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The administrator of your personal data and the entity running the website is Krzysztof Baran, conducting business activity under the company: Mouton Interactive Krzysztof Baran entered in the Central Register and Information on Economic Activity, address of the main place of business in Siedlce, ul. Starowiejska 265, zip code: 08-110, with tax identification number NIP: 821-152-01-37, REGON: 711650928.
The data will be processed for sending the newsletter and stored until you unsubscribe.
You have the right to request access to your personal data, rectify it, delete it or limit processing. For this purpose, you can contact the Mouton Interactive customer service department by e-mail or in writing to the registered office address.
The administrator of your personal data and the entity running the website is Krzysztof Baran, conducting business activity under the company: Mouton Interactive Krzysztof Baran entered in the Central Register and Information on Economic Activity, address of the main place of business in Siedlce, ul. Starowiejska 265, zip code: 08-110, with tax identification number NIP: 821-152-01-37, REGON: 711650928.
Your data will be processed in order to answer the query and will be stored until the answer is given or until you withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data.
You have the right to request access to your personal data, rectify it, delete it or limit processing. For this purpose, you can contact the Mouton Interactive customer service department by e-mail or in writing to the registered office address.