Art therapy sessions
Art therapy - what is the healing power of art?
Individual art therapy sessions - a journey into yourself through art, discover your resources, explore the unfathomable power of art, rediscover your meaning. Art therapy, or art therapy, is - as the name suggests - therapy through art. More precisely, it is a type of psychotherapy that makes use of various artistic disciplines. Artistic activities are a way to express oneself, and every visual artist, dancer or musician knows this very well. Singers repeat that it is only when they get on stage that they feel alive, that they are themselves. People with emotional and psychological problems are often only able to open up through art. This is invaluable, because only then can the therapist help them. It should be emphasised that in art therapy you do not need to have any talent in the direction of a particular art discipline, it does not matter. The therapeutic effect is in the creative process itself.
In ProcownJa, we offer classes in art therapy, such as drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, weaving, and many others - through artwork one can learn many things about a person's needs, desires, frustrations. Often a simple drawing can be a valuable signpost for the therapist. We work with adults, adolescents and children.